# | Request Method | API Service | API Description |
1 | GET/POST | App.Table.Create | C insert a new data record into table. |
2 | GET/POST | App.Table.CheckCreate | CUnique Add a distinct new data record into table. That means, when the data not exist, it will be created, otherwise, no operation is performed. |
3 | GET/POST | App.Table.MultiCheckCreate | PatchCUnique For batch operations, add multi distinct new data into table. |
4 | GET/POST | App.Table.CheckCreateOrUpdate | CUUnique Try to add an DISTINCT record when not exist, or update the existed record. |
5 | GET/POST | App.Table.MultiCheckCreateOrUpdate | PatchCUUnique Try to add multi DISTINCT record when not exist, or multi update the existed record. |
6 | GET/POST | App.Table.MultiCreate | PatchC Import multi data records and return import result detail. |
7 | GET/POST | App.Table.MultiFastCreate | PatchC FAST to import multi new data records without any detail. You can also set SYSTEM fields: id, add_time, update_time, ext_data(JSON). |
8 | GET/POST | App.Table.Update | U Update a record data by ID. |
9 | GET/POST | App.Table.MultiUpdate | PatchU Update multi data records by many IDs. |
10 | GET/POST | App.Table.FreeUpdate | UPatch Update table data with conditions. |
11 | GET/POST | App.Table.Get | R Get one record data by ID. |
12 | GET/POST | App.Table.MultiGet | PatchR Get many data records with many IDs. |
13 | GET/POST | App.Table.Delete | D Delete one data record by one ID. |
14 | GET/POST | App.Table.MultiDelete | PatchD Delete many data records with many IDs. |
15 | GET/POST | App.Table.Count | RStat Count table total amount. |
16 | GET/POST | App.Table.FreeAF | RStat Aggregation query with GROUP based on multiple custom conditions (AND or OR). |
17 | GET/POST | App.Table.FreeCount | RStat Count table with conditions. |
18 | GET/POST | App.Table.FreeExport | R Export table data and download txt/csv file. |
19 | GET/POST | App.Table.Pagination | R The most HOT API, powerful to query data or list all data in pagination, support field selection, sorting, and conditional query. |
20 | GET/POST | App.Table.FreeLeftJoinQuery | R关联 A little complicated, very powerful to JOIN query with another table. |
21 | GET/POST | App.Table.ChangeNumber | U Increase or Decrese number for one filed by one ID. You can +1/-1. |
22 | GET/POST | App.Table.FreeChangeNumber | U The value of one or more fields can be modified according to multiple customized conditions (AND or OR), which can be increased or decreased. Note that this API can update multiple data rows. |
23 | GET/POST | App.Table.MultiFreeChangeNumber | Patch U 可The value of one or more fields can be modified IN BATCHES according to multiple customized conditions (AND or OR), which can be increased or decreased. Note that this API can update multiple data rows. |
24 | GET/POST | App.Table.FreeConcact | U You can modify the string content of one field based on multiple customized conditions (AND or OR), and you can append it to the front or splice it to the back. Delimiters are also supported. |
25 | GET/POST | App.Table.FreeFindOne | R Search and obtain one row data based on multiple customized conditions (AND or OR) |
26 | GET/POST | App.Table.GetDataAfterChangeNum | RU Search and obtain one row data based on multiple custom conditions (AND or OR), then perform addition and subtraction operations on the specified fields, and finally return the latest data. |
27 | GET/POST | App.Table.FreeRandOne | R Randomly obtain one row data based on multiple custom conditions (AND or OR). The data is not modified or deleted after it is obtained. |
28 | GET/POST | App.Table.FreePopOne | RUUnique Search and obtain one row data based on multiple custom conditions (AND or OR), and change the fields after obtaining the data, thereby achieving the acquisition of non-duplicate data. |
29 | GET/POST | App.Table.DropOneByOne | RDUnique The data is obtained in ascending order according to the primary key ID, and deleted immediately after retrieval, thereby achieving the acquisition of non-duplicate data. This interface can ensure non-duplication of data even under high concurrency. |
30 | GET/POST | App.Table.FreeMin | R Get the minimum value of a field based on multiple custom conditions (AND or OR) |
31 | GET/POST | App.Table.FreeMax | R Get the MAX value of a field based on multiple custom conditions (AND or OR) |
32 | GET/POST | App.Table.FreeAggregation | RStat Perform aggregation operations such as SUM/COUNT/MIN/MAX/AVG based on multiple customized conditions (AND or OR), and supports aggregation operations on multiple fields. |
33 | GET/POST | App.Table.FreeSum | RStat Calculate the sum of a certain field based on multiple custom conditions (AND or OR) |
34 | GET/POST | App.Table.FreeDelete | D Multiple pieces of data can be deleted based on multiple customized conditions (AND or OR). Once the data is deleted, it cannot be recovered, so please operate with caution! |
35 | GET/POST | App.Table.FreeMultiCal | PatchU According to the conditions, four arithmetic operations are performed in batches, such as: addition/subtraction/multiplication/division. For example, field=x, op=add, number=1, the combination means: x=x+1. |
36 | GET/POST | App.Table.GetOneDataByOneField | R Get one record data by one filed. |
37 | GET/POST | App.Table.GetMoreDataByMoreField | R Get more data with more fields. |
38 | GET/POST | App.Table.FreeReplace | Patch U Replace the field from one string to other string. |
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Timezone: America/New_York Feb/12/2025 14:43:24